Our Herd

Superior Genetics

The Mamas

It takes a good mama cow to raise a good calf. Black Herefords are known for their docility and strong maternal traits. You can see these traits in all our mamas. We have a diverse group of mamas from some of the top breeders in the ABHA. Most of our Black Herefords are percentage and purebreds. But we do have some F1s that we love. We try to find the best match for each mama when breeding/AI season rolls around. We use AI a lot but sometimes we just let one of our herd bulls do his magic! Either way our mamas produce sound, healthy calves.

Deuce   –   3C’S D02 OF JB CLASSIC SMITH   HB008596

Deuce was on of the first 4 Black Herefords we bought. She is marked more like a traditional Hereford, which is how we like ‘em!! Deuce has given us several good calves and is a heifer making machine.

Clara Belle  –  GUYBRO MS SHOOTER 054  HB015866

Clara Belle came to us with Deuce. She is laid back and easy going. You may find her in the middle of a bunch of calfs or out in a corner by herself. Where Deuce is a heifer making machine, Clara Belle has given us some of the best bulls we’ve had.

Princess  –  ASFARM A746 Princess Remedy 2106  HB022005

We bought Princess and her sister Great from Matt LaVigne (Antle Springs Farm) over in North Carolina. She’s a Resolve daughter so when jumped on the chance to own these 2 girls. They’ve both given us their first heifers this year and they sure do live up to the Resolve mother reputation!!

Gabby  –  SIMS MISS GOBLIN G67  HB017491

Peaches  –  SIMS GA PEACH F059

Gabby and Peaches are our newest additions to the herd. We were able to go down to Cory Sims @ Sims Black Herefords and pick out these 2 girls in September 2024. We couldn’t be any happier with these 2 girls!! Peaches gave us a High Roler heifer that is just fantastic. She will one to keep an eye on for sure!!!


This is Charlotte. Before black Herefords, we had some black Angus and Limousine momma cows and an Angus bull. Charlotte was the first calf we had out of those. Christine named her after her grandmother and took a special liking to her. Charlotte is a big ol girl and all she does is produce!! Giving us one of if not the best commercial calfs every year. Charlotte is going on 10 years old now. I see her living out her life her on the farm.

Black and White

The Babies

We love our babies here at JH Cattle! Raising cattle can be really frustrating at times but it makes it all worth it when you see those black hided, white faced calves hit the ground. There’s not a prettier calf in the world than a Black Hereford calf!!

AI and Herd Bulls

The Papas

We’re really proud of our herd sires: Ol’ Digger, Bugsy and Bandit. Phenotype is the first thing we look at/for in a herd sire. We like our bulls big and thick… like a Pittsburgh Steeler linebacker! Docile, good sound footed bulls are also a must. Our bulls meet the criteria we set when we picked our herd sires. Their pedigrees are stacked from some of the best Black Hereford breeders in the breed. If you want good calves then you need to start with a good bull. We think we have 3 dandies!!

JCR’S SONIC CRUCH 015  -  HB018076

We purchased “ol Digger” from Jenkins Cattle Ranch at the 2021 Tennessee Black Hereford fall sale. He didn’t have a name (other than his registered name) at the time. After getting him home, we noticed that before he would lay down, he would “dig” out a little place in the ground to lay on…. Hence the name “Digger.

When people talk about the docility in Black Herefords, “Digger” is the perfect example!! He is a 2,100 lb. puppy dog!! Other than eating, his favorite thing is to have his back and ears scratched. He has never been halter broke but we can get him to go anywhere we need him to by scratching his back a little and saying, “come on buddy”. When he is a little stubborn, show him a red bucket with feed and he’ll come running!!! Just watch out. That’s a load coming at ya!!

Digger has served JH Cattle well here on the farm. He has produced over 40 offspring, and his calves come out strong and ready to go. Digger’s docility shows up in his offspring as they are gentle and easy to handle.We couldn’t have picked better for our first Black Hereford bull. Digger has earned his place here and will hopefully be here for a long time!!


When the opportunity to buy half interest in “Bugsy” came along it was a no brainer of a decision. The Jenkins boys know how to raise cattle and when they said he was probably the best bull they had ever raised… well, the check was in the mail!!

The best way to describe “Bugsy” is POWER! Long, big frame, big footed: just an awesome specimen of a bull. I tell people he’s built like a Pittsburgh Steeler linebacker!!! “Bugsy” has pulled double duty for us and the Jenkins boys by spending show season winning multiple championships and during the off season he’s been out in the field “working”. We let “Bugsy” cover all our girls this year so come fall, we will be having 30 “Bugsy Babies” hit the ground. Seeing some of what he’s produced in Indiana, to say we are excited is an understatement!!

Co-Owning “Bugsy” with JCR has been a great opportunity for us. JCR is one of the best in the ABHA and we can’t thank them enough! Them boys can sure raise some good cattle!!

CA PLC BANDIT 96D   HB026614

We purchased Bandit from Charlie Adams in May 2024. He is our up and coming herd sire and we are over the top excited!! Just look at his pedigree….. a Red Killer son that’s goggle eyed, black to the ground and HOMO BLACK AND HOMO POLLED. Bandit has been spending the past couple months on a commercial herd learning from Ol Digger. We’ll move him over this fall and let him get to work on our Black Herefords. Cant wit to see his calves hit the ground!!